Atoms, Crystals and Diffraction - Probing the Structures of Materials
Age suitable for:
- 5 - 7 years-old
- 7 - 11 years-old
- 11 - 14 years-old
- 14 - 16 years-old
- 16 - 18 years-old
- 18+ years-old
Explore the atomically small world of crystallography! At our stand you can: - See how crystals form and paint your name with salt crystals - Grow a crystal garden in a vial - Join our competition to win your very own crystal growing kit - Experience a range of gemstones and minerals and find out how their structures change their colours and properties - Make your own crystal unit cells and see how they fit together to make bigger structures - Discover how scientists use X-rays to 'see' molecules and atoms