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Wonderseekers presents: Duel of the fuels | Show

Age suitable for:
  • Pre-school 1-4 years-old
  • 5 - 7 years-old
  • 7 - 11 years-old
  • 11 - 14 years-old

Accessibility alert:
  • Loud sounds

Wonderseekers (the charity that runs Winchester Science Centre) are testing out new fuels to power a rocketship - and they need your help!

Watch as fire, dry ice and air make things fly, learn how they work and decide on which you think is the winner! How do the fuels that power our world work? Are there other options to make things go?

Join the team from Wonderseekers as they explore 3 unique fuels that we could use to travel (with a bit of imagination).

Fossil fuels power much of the world today, but what are the alternatives? Watch our demos go whoosh and rush across the stage. What about cooling things down to -78C, can dry ice make things move? As the pressure builds we will use the air around us to blast off to new places. The Wonderseekers rocket is ready for launch, only you can decide which fuel will make it fly!