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Chemical Engineering | Lab Tour

Highfield Campus

Building: 36 | Hartley Library

Room: Foyer (meeting point)

Date and Time (UK time):
15/03/2025 11:15-12:00
15/03/2025 12:45-13:30
15/03/2025 14:15-15:00
15/03/2025 15:45-16:30
Age suitable for:
  • 11 - 14 years-old
  • 14 - 16 years-old
  • 16 - 18 years-old
  • 18+ years-old


Tickets status: SOLD OUT online | more tickets will be available on the day on a first-come-first-served basis


Visit the Chemical Engineering Teaching Laboratory at the School of Chemistry and learn about what chemical engineers do!

The 21st Century brings new challenges with growing demand for energy, water, food, pharmaceuticals, medicines.

Chemical engineers are essential for the solving these challenges, as they are key parts of the development and improving of the processes that produce these and other products at large scale while minimising the impact on the environment.

The wide range of new equipment on show includes different reactors and separation units as well as a fermentation process unit to produce bioethanol from agricultural feedstocks.

The Chemical Engineering Teaching Laboratory provides hands-on practical training enabling our students to put theory into practice.