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Charge Up! The Body Heat Energy Expedition

Age suitable for:
  • All ages

Do you know your body heat is an energy source that can be turned into electricity? Can you light up the LED just by using the energy from your palm? Here you will find out the interesting relation between heat and electricity and how the scientists and engineers can use this thermoelectric behaviour to harvest wasted thermal energy and turn them into useful electricity.
Thermoelectric harvesting has been adopted as a green energy source on many applications - from spreading the stove heat to the room in the daily used gadget of stove fan, to reducing the fuel consumption of a car by recycling energy from its exhaust system, and to generating power for outer space explorers such as the Mars Rover. Join us and explore this wonderful technology through a series of interactive activities and demonstrators, as well as real life cutting-edge research activities. Help us brainstorm new ideas of how we integrate this technology into our daily life to recycle more wasted heat into electricity. For example, can we integrate them into our clothes and harvest our body heat?

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