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Engage with the Southampton Libraries and Archives


Building: 42

Room: Level 2, Below Deck

Age suitable for:
  • All ages


Discover the wealth of resources available at "Engage with the Southampton Libraries and Archives"! Led by Dean Wilson, this interactive exhibit showcases the diverse offerings of Southampton City Libraries and Archives. Learn about the hundreds of activities available each week, from story and rhyme times to Dungeons and Dragons groups. Explore the Digital Library, which provides 24/7 access to eBooks, eAudio, ePress, and information resources, including language learning apps and Theory Test training-all for free!

Visit Campus to meet the team and discover how your local library extends far beyond just books. This exhibit highlights the vital role public libraries play in the community, offering a range of services and resources. Whether you're interested in historical materials, digital resources, or community activities, there's something for everyone. Don't miss this opportunity to engage with Southampton Libraries and Archives and learn how you can benefit from their extensive offerings.