In Search of the Black Oasis
Highfield Campus
Date and Time (UK time):
15/03/2025 11:00-12:00
15/03/2025 12:30-13:30
15/03/2025 14:00-15:00
Date and Time (UK time):
15/03/2025 11:00-12:00
15/03/2025 12:30-13:30
15/03/2025 14:00-15:00
Age suitable for:
Accessibility alert:
- 7 - 11 years-old
- 11 - 14 years-old
- 14 - 16 years-old
- 16 - 18 years-old
- 18+ years-old
Accessibility alert:
- Flashing images
- Darkened spaces
The deep seas of our blue planet hold many secrets. Beneath the waves, an almost entirely alien world of creatures hidden in the cold, dark, depths. But fear not brave explorers, from the safety of the shores we shall dive to the very bottom of our oceans in search of an answer to one of the oldest questions in the world - where did life begin? Join oceanographers in the search for one of our oceans most iconic and illusive habitats - the hydrothermal vent! Underwater volcanoes that forever changed our understanding of the natural world, with whole ecosystems that thrive beyond the reach of daylight! Who knows, the journey may even take us out into the universe on the hunt for alien life!